Regerastace Litter "C"

Litter between..

Hávi x Rubik 

IrCh Beszédes A Mudim Győző


IrCh Királytanyai Bűvös CW'22


Date of Birth: 03/02/2023

Genders: 4 Dogs, 1 Bitches

Colours: 4 Fawn, 1 Black

COI: 4.4% 




Rubik is overjoyed to have her own puppies, after having taken such care of our Komondor puppies previously! She has been a dedicated and attentive mother and we are extremely pleased with this litter as a whole.


Each puppy in this litter thrived with games related to scentwork!

Pink Girl - Registered Calypso - Carissa Johnson - USA

Green Boy - Regerastace Captain - Anne Murray - UK

Yellow Boy - Regerastace Cosmo - Maria Sjursen - Norway

Blue Boy - Regerastace Checkmate - Toni Saunders - Northern Ireland

Red Boy - Regerastace Creed - Caitlin Owens - Ireland